Sorry we have been so long. It has been more than a bit hectic. I think missions get more involved the longer you are out. You understand your job better and have more ability to handle more. In addition, you are more capable of moving around in your area or areas and so there are just more things to do. In my case, I have more mission presidents who know me well now and that means that they trust me and refer more missionaries to me. That is both good, (If I get to see them and can help them in the field we don't have as many that get so bad that we have to send them home) and bad (it means my work load is a lot larger than it used to be)

Below is a slide show of the one of major attractions in Cartagena. (Cartagena is a tourist city on the Caribian in the northern part of Colombia) We were with the Abetas. They are the new area auditor couple taking over Darwins position. They came up to meet with us and observe the Assistant Auditors teach one of the new financial lessons. We went to one city in each mission area. Cali in the Cali mission, Cartagena in the Barranquilla mission, Duitama and Paipa in the Bogota North Mission and Bogota Kennedy in the Bogota South mission.